This data is from Curious’s post, just formatted in a way I can grok better.

Issues Paul Gavel Kucinich Obama Me
TAXES Elimate IRS Eliminate IRS Tax rich more Tax rich more Eliminate IRS AND tax rich more!
HEALTH CARE State/personal issue not federal one Universal healthcare Universal healthcare National insurance pool Universal healthcare
ABORTION state/personal issue, not federal one Federally protected right Federally protected right Federally protected right Federally protected right
SAME SEX MARRIAGE State/personal issue, not federal Yes Yes Civil unions only Yes – and poly marriages, and any other way people want to hook up.
DRUGS State/personal issue, not federal one treatment instead of jail Decriminalization Not sure Decriminilization, and government sponsered treatment programs that are NOT NA/AA
GUNS: rated A by NRA Gun licensing rated F by NRA some gun controls, unclear Violent hardware should be restricted to video games

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