Upon rereading my journal..




5 Responses to “Upon rereading my journal..”

  1. samsarra Says:

    You’re too intelligent to be completely normal. I’m probably Borderline, and I’m sure there are other diagnoses that could be made. Fact is, we’re functional. Don’t worry yourself.

  2. brassratgirl Says:

    So now you think you’re telepathic, do you? Heck, it would save a lot on phone bills 😉

  3. brassratgirl Says:

    I’ve always thought that if you were happy and could manage to get along with others, you were fine — if not, you should work on it. Diagnosis be damned.

  4. samsarra Says:

    Yeah, that pretty much sums up my feelings, too.

  5. anghouedd Says:

    Seems like a rather broad set of criteria, honestly. Half of those sound a lot like me.

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