I noticed a odd line through a user as I was browsing, and when I clicked on it, I got a message about how the user had 30 days to mark their journal undeleted or it would be nuked.

And I’m very dissapointed, to tell the truth – I kinda hoped LJ would hold onto content indefinately. I mean, disk is cheap enough..

I wonder if there’s any easy way to download a backup copy of my journal. Not that there’s anything that important here, but just..

Can’t sleep.

One Response to “…”

  1. brassratgirl Says:

    1) The delete after 30 days thing only kicks in after the owner of said journal asks for it to be deleted. Usually, this is because they’ve gotten in a major flame war with someone or otherwise embarrassed themselves mightily with it. Or else, they want that persona to disappear altogether — not be held onto indefinatly. And, LJ does give you a month to change your mind.
    2) Yes, you can export your journal in a variety of formats. Browse the faq for howtos. I’m overdue in doing mine, and you really want to every month or so or else it becomes a giant pain in the rear.

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