Paranoia, thy name is

I am paranoid. I can, at times, be paranoid delusional, but I think I’m pretty good at knowing when things are delusions. I do a lot of reality testing. Often.

I’ve been this way most if not all of my life. It’s gotten steadily worse. There was a period of my life where it was almost not there. And right now, I’ve got periods of time where it’s almost not there, thank you not sleeping and thank you future-Vicky.

Paranoia is a hard mental illness to live with. It’s gotten a lot easier this year though.. on the 29th, I found and removed a neural equivilant of a cron job that was feeding me consistant lines about how afraid I should be. I feel so much saner. I’ve been enjoying the silence quite a bit. I’ve had quite a few moments of feeling well and truly good. As you’ve all noticed, I’ve gotten a lot more honest and a lot more fuck-it-lets-say-anything on my blog. But paranoia pokes up and says “You will get fired for the things you’re writing”. Maybe.

Paranoia isn’t just a cron job feeding you lines like you’re about to end up in jail, God wants to torture you, you will end up homeless and hungry, none of your friends love you, etc. It’s also a set of pattern match filters that lead to irrationally large amounts of fear. The level of paranoia I feel about wetting myself could best be described as epic. Once at a rave it.. well, it didn’t actually happen, I fell in a puddle, but I *thought* it had happened because I was already orbiting bad bad bad mental spaces before it happened and I slipped into a delusion. I’m horrible at reality testing. I don’t remember much of what happened afterwords other than my mind crashed.

It’s a never ending fear. The worst part is it’s on a flippin’ timer, for obvious reasons. I can’t get away from it. I can be at home, alone, and I will still be afraid of it. As if it could possibly matter. It can’t possibly be a fear of being dirty because (isn’t sex fun) I like when female types wet on me during sex. And find it insanely sexy to see them wet their clothes, which I have to conclude is at least somewhat jealousy.

I am convinced this is not normal. I mean people feeling a minor fear of it, sure. Avoiding it, sure. But a my-brain-crashes fear of it? A reality goes dim and I can’t breathe panic attack fear of it? This is not normal.

And I’m a bit afraid to talk about all this on my blog, and I can’t rationally think.. is talking about what you like sexually a reasonable reason to fire someone? What is up with my head?

Part of the fun if you’re paranoid is figuring out, which fears are totally rational and match a real world, and which fears are totally irrational and are my mind misfiring somewhere.

And a even bigger part of the fun if you’re paranoid and also know you have a CE is realizing you could be experiencing something you’re deeply afraid of being created out of whole cloth just because your mind likes to torture you. 10^11 neurons is a fucking big supercomputer. Generating the reality I’m sitting in right now would be child’s play for it.

2 Responses to “Paranoia, thy name is”

  1. sheer_panic Says:

    Part of my problem at that rave was it was psytrance. I do not find psytrance easy. I find it damned hard to listen to. I love it, but not in a ‘this makes me feel better’ way.

    If you ever want to throw a rave for me, play anthem trance. It makes me happy, makes me want to dance all night every time.

  2. Steve Seman Says:

    Have you tried to experience your fear to dissuade the paranoia? If you are afraid of pissing yourself in public, create a storyline of you pissing yourself in public.

    Give the story a beginning (location, people around you, etc.), then a reason why you are going to piss yourself (too much coffee, taking a dip with the polar bear ice water jumpers, being part of a paid psychological study of intentional pissers,etc) the actual pissing (what you are wearing, which side your dick is hanging down when you piss, the look on others faces, etc.) and the ending (you tip your hat to the crowd as you smile and walk away, you realize that no one notices or gives a shit, you explain that your rewiring/reprogramming mission is coming along fine and you now have one less fear to deal with, etc.).

    Then, live the storyline. Play the ultimate Jedi Mind Trick on yourself and actually live the story you created. Merge the mental, spiritual and the physical – the closest we get to reality. Walk away with one less fear my friend…

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