More links and thoughts and things

Must buy some of these people’s tapes. Truly intense experience.

I really hope that what’s happening to me will not reduce my intensity.

That is, just as soon as I really understand what’s happening to me.

What astonishes me is that everyone I’ve talked to about the experience has told me that I’m not going crazy, at all.


So everyone writes their own religion? Everyone? This seems like kind of a strange thing for no one to have mentioned to me – but on the other hand, maybe it’s the kind of thing that you have to find out about for yourself, or it doesn’t work.

Is the universe really self-organizing? That’s such a beautiful thought..

Randomness. You can’t ever get a random number out of a computer, but a human can hardly avoid generating random numbers, even when we don’t mean to. But yet, we’re just biological machines.. or are we?

Maybe bill hicks was right, and it is just a ride. If so, I should try to have more fun. I’d hate for me to not get my money’s worth..

I do think that PLUR is about the best framework for a religion you could ask for. The ultimate in small source code – ten commandments? They’ve gotten it down to four _concepts_ – and not a single one of them negative (thou shalt not) – we truly owe a debt to whatever series of events made PLUR become a meme.

But as a framework, think about the peices. Note that what follows are just my own thoughts – I firmly beleive that everyone has to author their moral code themselves.

Peace. This is really quite simple. As Gil Scott-Heron says, peace is not the absence of war – it is the absence of the rumors of war, and the preperation for war. When we can all finally get to the point that we can trust each other enough to throw down our guns, we will have removed one of the biggest stumbling blocks to happiness for the human race.

Love. This one is so big and complex and overloaded that I don’t know that I’ll ever understand it. I don’t know that a human can understand it. But I do know this – once you truly lock on, once you truly love – you love forever, and without reservation or qualification. And the hardest thing you’ll ever learn is simply to love and be loved in return, to borrow a bit from Moulin Rougue.

Unity. This is a big complex one. Ask me later. I don’t know. I think I need to get another good look at it.

Respect. Huge one. In order for me to be able to look at myself in the mirror and not hate myself, I must respect other people. In order to not hate other people, I must respect myself. And, in general, the world would seem to be a better place when we all respect each other, since no one has any more or less of the total pie.

These things don’t just apply in raves, or when I’m with other people that beleive in PLUR. They apply all the time, and the cost of forgetting them is unhappiness – sometimes intense unhappiness.

The problem I see with organized religion is that it always seems to result in a large beurocracy, and bloated source code.

The problem I see with organized government is very much the same.

And then there’s the classic question – if we make everything that is not moral illegal, how will you ever discover what is moral and immoral behavior?

I wonder how many others are having this experience. I guess no one has exactly the same one – but many, many have some kind.

I don’t mean to disrespect christianity.. after all, if Jesus was a real person, he certainly had the best in mind for the world. But I really need to figure out how to remove christianity _completely_ from my mind. My parents raised me as a christian.. I got confirmed to make them happy, something that still makes me sad. I guess I’m a sheep too. I did chrystalis, cracked what was expected, and then faked the experience.

Memo to the chrystilis people: Apparently the right way to log Sheer in is to tell him that there is no hell, that everyone and everything has a place in this world and everything can – and ultimately will – be saved, if ‘saved’ is even the right concept any more..

.. but what you really have to have is really, really loud techno.

I’ve been told that what I experienced was a hemi-sync trance. Perhaps so. If so, my brain is a much more interesting place than I thought, and it has a lot of good advice for me.

Personally, while I beleive I _was_ in a hemi-sync trance, I also beleive that something much bigger than that also happened.

I can’t shake the feeling that there’s still something big coming. Maybe it’s living the rest of my life that’s the big thing.

Don’t know.

At least I can cry again. People, don’t ever tell yourself you can’t cry. You’ll beleive it and then where will you be?


I’m sure that I’ll write more. I’ve been hesitent to pen down the experience of sunday night, for fear that people would conclude that I’d lost my mind.. but I’m thinking brenda’s right. You can’t ever talk, or read, or communicate in general, for the people out there. You always have to do it for yourself.

So one of my next projects will be to try and write a blow by blow – to whatever extent I can remember it – of the experience.


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