Holy freakin’ shiznit!

Okay, so my friend sent me a suggestion to try out a peice of software called ljArchive, because I was looking for a way to make a backup copy of my journal in case (the dieties forbid) livejournal should go the way of the dodo.

Holy cow.

This software doesn’t just back up your journal, it also graphs a attempt to do some kind of word frequency analasys and judge your mood, imagery, and a whole host of other interesting things.

I need to start keeping a index of what I think my sadness/positive emotions are doing, so I can measure it against this software to determine if it actually works. Actually, scratch the word ‘need’ there. I’ve got enough things that ‘need’ doing already, and this one is frivolous at best.

But, at the same time, I’ve been diagnosed bipolar.. (manic depressive, the disease that got Jimi Hendrix I sometimes think) and I’m not going to let it affect my life except in positive ways.. (hah.. like I have any choice..) so learning about my moods and how to provide damping on them when they’re threatening to go runaway in the negative direction seems like it might be a worthwhile goal.

One Response to “Holy freakin’ shiznit!”

  1. dspisak Says:

    Heh, your welcome dude.

    Wait till you see the schedule I’m taking this quarter at UCI man…ho-leee shit.

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