I’m going to try to explain my views on this whole Osama thing, because it seems a lot of my friends misunderstand, and maybe some of them read my journal.

I’m on Osama’s side.

I don’t like the guy – his humans rights violations are atrocious – but I can understand where he’s coming from, if he sent us those commercial airliners on september 11th. A matter that still hasn’t been proved to me, by the way – doesn’t it bother ANYONE that we’re fighting a war for a crime that we have no proof of the perpitrators of, just allegations?

I don’t condone violence against innocent people – I don’t want more people to do what Osama did. Hit those who hurt you, not those who are innocent. The world trade towers had many, many innocent people in them. Thumbs up on the pentagon, though. 😉

I can’t lie about this. If you work for the US military, you are part of the problem, not part of the solution. If you can really beleive that the US military is not abusive, you don’t know what military training is like. Would you want people trained like that wandering with you? Maybe it’s a pity that soldiers don’t have to stay with civilians any more – in today’s world, with a video camera in everyone’s hands, a world like that might be very desirable.

Many of my friends work for the US military, or did. Including my own parents. I’m sorry. You made a mistake. Go back and learn why, please, don’t sit there bleating like sheep and insisting that we’re the freeist country in the world. It’s a lie, okay, it was always a lie and it’s still a lie. Get on the internet and learn that.

Anyway, about the Osama thing.

We want to build a pipeline for oil through the middle of a country _we_ turned into a war zone.

How many times will a puncture from a mini-war the oil spill? Oil is _nasty_ stuff, and they HAVE NO FUCKING WATER LEFT!

Wake up, smell the coffee. Osama is RIGHT! We are WRONG!

We do NOT have ANY fucking moral authority to go put a oil pipeline in someone’s backyard who doesn’t want it, because we want to keep driving our SUVs and making our profits. I’m sorry that it’s going to destroy the economy, but this has GOT to fucking STOP! Or I, for one, am out of here, and half our youngest and brightest will be right behind me.

MEMO TO BUSH ET AL: We know what’s going on. We’re not all stupid television-addicted morons.

Another Freedom Of Speech Test [tm] brought to you by Sheer Pullen.

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