
I admit that last post didn’t make a lot of sense. I knew what I was trying to say, but I didn’t do a very good job of saying it. In general, this election cycle has left me rather at a loss for words. Especially since I feel close to certain that Bush cheated, and that we’ll never even know about it. Look, I work on computers all day, every day.. and I wouldn’t trust a computer without a very, very, very, very good auditing system to record my vote, period. I especially wouldn’t trust one made by a company that Cheney has noticable amounts of stock in. I mean, we already know that lying – even to start a war – isn’t beneith these people. It looks like Cheney/Halliburton are going to get away with it cold..

Can’t we do *something*?

So yes, I’m still upset about this. It’s even made me several times momentarily forget missing P.

another friend of mine was chastizing me for not having set up a appointment with a counsoler yet.. and perhaps she’s right. But I don’t think anything but time is going to make this hurt any less. Until then, I’m sorry I’m no fun to be around..

2 Responses to “Okay..”

  1. goamaki Says:

    the reason I don’t think Bush cheated is because I really don’t think he would go to so much trouble…perhaps he secretly wished that Kerry would have won so he wouldn’t have had to clean up his mess. :/
    I’m sure there were cheaters on both sides. The election process is not full-proof.
    Don’t worry about being “fun” to hang around…Yes, time will heal…

  2. rarkrarkrark Says:

    I’ve had minimal luck with counsolers/therapists/etc. I think that for people who are not inclined to self analysis/introspection they probabaly are much more useful, but if one already habitually does that sort of analysis a therapist can often be useless or even counterproductive (just what one needs: someone with even less data on the situation generating more alternative hypothesis that must then be chased down and evaluated. External viewpoint is good, but I repeatedly find that it’s better to have multiple external viewpoints within close proximity rather than one that doesn’t know the situation except from my telling)

    Erm. Am I making sense yet?

    The rest…I have thoughts on. I will post them to my journal eventually.

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